How can I easily test if my network card/connection is working?

You can test your connection with a ping test:
At the command prompt (access the command prompt by clicking Start > Run > and type “command” <enter>), type, for example, ping (as the IP-address, you can also choose your own default gateway which can be found on your Service Agreement). This command should produce the following response:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from host bytes=32 time<10 ms TTL=253
Reply from host bytes=32 time<10 ms TTL=253
Reply from host bytes=32 time<10 ms TTL=253
Reply from host bytes=32 time<10 ms TTL=253

After this, you can ping, for example,
If you were able to successfully perform both ping tests, you can start to use your connection. If your ping tests were unsuccessful, check the network card settings and try again.

Network card settings can be easily tested with an ipconfig command (command line). The command should produce a response with IP address information. If this does not happen, there is something wrong with the network card settings.

See also